Design Management

What is a designer now? Meaning, what was the role of a designer in the past? How has that changed over the past fifty to sixty years, and what can a designer do to address the unique challenges that we face today? How has design strategy become part of the new business strategy? Design management balances the needs and solutions creativity provides, with the mandate of feasibility and sustainability.


abovegroup - inclusive design leadership to influence how societies flourish


seeking amani - promoting peace through art education in tanzania

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an interview with bruce mau - rethinking the role of design in shaping our future


an adventure to save our oceans - david de rothschild and the plastiki's voyage


an adventure to save our oceans - david de rothschild and the plastiki's voyage 


an adventure to save our oceans - david de rothschild and the plastiki's voyage

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QMilk - german scientist upcycles milk fibre for fashion, cosmetics and plastic